Monday, February 25, 2013

School farewell. Школьные проводы

Because of the move to Colorado Artem had to finish in school Fort Sam Houston.

Из-за переезда в Колорадо Артему пришлось закончить обучение в школе Форт Сэм Хьюстон.  

In Russia, the wires have one day, and I decided to support this tradition here. By the end of the school day we brought to school treats for the children. All the children said goodbye to Artem. And one girl even cried ....

 В России принято устраивать день проводов, и я решила поддержать эту традицию здесь. К концу учебного дня  мы  привезли в школу угощения для детей. Все дети прощались с Артемом. А одна девочка даже расплакалась….
Due to the great attention to the person Artem began to wriggle.

 Из-за большого внимания к своей персоне Артем начал кривляться.



  1. A good last day at Fort Sam Elementary School. It is sad that military children have to say good-bye so frequently. It seem as though good-bye becomes a constant for them.

  2. It was such a joy to have Artem in my class. To watch him grow and learn these 6 months have been amazing. He came in speaking minimal English and saying "don't understand" to using a rich English vocabulary and show his math whiz skills (I really think he'll be a mathematician or scientist one day -- that is his niche!

    I will miss you so much, Artem! I am sending you lots of *disgusting* hugs and kisses and lots of love. Have fun visiting family and in Colorado at your new school. I know you will make many friends and keep growing and learning. You can write us anytime!

    Love, Dr. Morgan
    P.S. XOXOXOX <---- more hugs and kisses! :)


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